Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Maria's concept map on new Media

“All existing media are translated into numerical data accessible for the computer. The result: graphics, moving images, sounds, shapes, spaces, and texts become computable, that is, simply sets of computer data. In short, media becomes new media” (Manovich, 2001, p.25).

I agree with Manovich when he says that this has changed the character of media and computer. Whereas media were the still pictures, the roll that showed a picture on the white screen, now it is a representation of powerful ideas, and whereas the computer was just a processing machine, not it is a synthesizing tool through which those powerful ideas get flesh and bones. The computer is getting smarter and smarter in terms of what tasks we can perform with it. Animations can give as fictional or as realistic feeling as one wishes and music can be remixed in every possible way. Youth, adults, and even kids can be programmers of the computers and create complex designs that would not be possible without the interaction with a computer (e.g. Scratch).

I found the Principles to be very informative; indeed Numerical representation, Modularity, Automation, Variability, and Cultural transcoding are characteristics of new media. Everything is digitized and can be represented with an algorithm, they consist of multiple elements, such as sound, images, movement, etc., and can be connected with each other in multiple levels and one can create multiple versions of a product representing the meaning coherently.

I think that what’s new about new media is the kinds of affordances that one can exploit and also the levels of creativity one can express. This novelty started creating a new, pop-culture that is growing very fast. My concept map started becoming complicated, with all the connections I am adding to it. Below is my concept map. Click on it to navigate to the actual website:

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  1. Your concept map is coming along nicely! I like how you switched up the colors.....Your map shows not only the connections, but the intersections - I can see how complicated it gets when we start adding so many areas that start to intersect. I've never used webspiration, but it seems like a great tool! Do you think that there are other tools to try that might include the in-depth connections? And do you think the way the tool is used changes the meaning to our maps?

  2. Hmm, I am not aware of any other tools that would show the connections between the concepts, but so far I am happy with webspiration. I like that this tool give the opportunity to move concepts around without losing the connections between them. Since it is a concept map, it seems imperative to me that the links are maintained. I think it really facilitates the creation process a lot.

  3. Hi Maria!!

    I love the colors! When I tried to open it in a new window to look at the pieces, I could not get it to work. I am bummed - it looks like you are doing a fantastic job tying the ideas and concepts together. I will take a look at it later to see if I can see it from school.

    What do you mean that everything can be digitized and represented by an algorithm? How does this change the way that we look at art now that we can put it online, change it, and make it something new? Is it art...or math?

  4. Charlene,

    I was having the meta-data in my mind when i was writing that part. The most obvious way for me, that we can look at art in relation to new media is the fact that one picture for example can be duplicated, manupulated, remixed, and adjusted to the creator's/artist/s preferences. That is art... math is standard, with rules and fixed formulas. Art is flexible, changeable and that is why it is a main field through which creativity is being expressed.

  5. Maria, when you wrote, "I found the Principles to be very informative; indeed Numerical representation, Modularity, Automation, Variability, and Cultural transcoding are characteristics of new media." Did you question whether there are additional characteristics since Manovich wrote this piece?

  6. Yeah, I wasn't sure about what is definitely a characteristic of New Media and what might be not. It seemed as though new media encapsulates everything. Then, when I read those principles, they made sense, as they are quite generic... I would also have Interactivity there, as a principle, as well as transactivity. Because new media afford interactions (synchronous and asynchronous) as well as transactive relationships (e.g. when one takes a project and remixes it, fives and receives feedback afterwards on it).

  7. Good point - thanks for getting back so soon - I sort of confused on what to be commenting on this week! So I am commenting on last week's posts and this weeks! Sorry if you get bombarded by me!!! ;)

    In addition to your principles, I was thinking "immediacy" or something along those lines, due to the incredibly fast turn around - whether we have created something or uploaded it - we expect to rec'v it within minutes! No more are the days of "snail mail" - it's lightening fast - but I'm not sure if that fits under automation?
